Thursday, February 17, 2011

READ THIS! :) Another Interruption..... :)

Hi everyone... yummies are on my head since I'm cutting back... so I'm going to share a recipe with you that in my family we call it BARK!  SOOOOOO yummy.... and SOOOOO bad for you!  Do not make this if you don't plan on bringing 90% of this to a party or something!  Otherwise, you WILL sit on your tush and eat it all!  Trust me!  I'm down 2 out of my 10 and thought instead of making it and eating it, well... I'd share the love... um, spread that poundage elsewhere!  (giggling)

Quick and easy dessert.... remember -- MUST take out of your house!! LOL!

Pics aren't great untouched... but I had to share sooner than later!  You ready?!  

Chocolate Bark (That is what we call it, lol!)

1 sleeve of saltine crackers
1 stick of butter
1/2 cup light brown sugar
12 oz chocolate chips
1 cup chopped pecans
Wax Paper
Non-Stick Cooking Spray
Aluminum Foil
Flat Jelly or baking pan.

PREHEAT oven to 400F.
Line a flat 15x10x1-inch baking pan or jelly roll pan with foil; grease foil.
Spread crackers evenly into prepared pan. (Like my son, Shayne, lol)

Place butter and sugar in saucepan. Bring to boil on medium-high heat, stirring frequently.

Reduce heat to low; boil 3 min.

Immediately spread over crackers. I use a wooden spoon to try to smooth it around and get any dry spots.

BAKE 5-7 minutes. The crackers may look like they are floating... be careful.. slip and slide crackers.

Take out and sprinkle with chocolate chips. Don't eat them.... the end is worth it!

Turn the oven OFF!
Put the cracker/buttery/chocolate heavenly mess back in the oven.  Bake for 5 minutes.
Sprinkle with walnuts.

Cover with Wax paper.
Smoosh the walnuts into the chocolate by pressing with a oven mitt or towel on the wax paper.

Cool -- freezer for an hour, fridge for a few hours, covered garage or outside if cold.
Break into pieces and just try to give it away!  :)

There are times that I don't really spread the chocolate very well... and it still comes out really good. Another thing that I have done, is when breaking up the pieces, to make it easier I've let it cool covered in the garage overnight - but if I don't have time, I cool it in the freezer.

You can change up the recipe for other yummies that you like!  I've tried white chocolate and walnuts, milk chocolate with pretzels, white chocolate with crushed candy canes and milk chocolate, butterscotch and nuts.  Double it up, and make different combinations!  Mix it up!

OH... just to make it more fattening, lol -- To make bark sandwiches, I've used fluff in the middle of two pieces... so sweet though, but kids love!

Hope that was fattening enough?!?!  I have created a new tag for some of my recipes - Fattening!  :)

LOL!  Anyway... hope you enjoyed this recipe!
Thanks for visiting!
Jenn (jk703)


  1. we call it "Crack" because it's super addicting! LOL

  2. Why oh why did I have to check the forum just in time to see your "interruption" post and then of course my curiosity led me here. Dang, dang, dang. I just have to make this tomorrow now. I have no other choice. lol
    Anything with all that butter and brown sugar and chocolate has to be good. Thanks for sharing.
    I think. :)

  3. Dude, that is no not nice of you LOL that looks fantastic! Gosh, sometimes I wish I was able to say stuff like " I'm sure thats tasty, but I'm not really into chocolate and stuffs" lmao. Oh well.. so far from the truth you can get it! Thanks for sharing the recipe, I will have to try those out sometime, but as you said, I'm gonna plan it out so that I have a party or something to share them in! :)
